November 28, 2012

Checking it Twice

 You know when you wake up in the middle of the night and your brain starts going? Then you can't fall back asleep and you start thinking about how tired you will be the following day. A couple nights ago I was up for three hours (which is unusual for me). After two hours of trying to force myself asleep, I gave up.

 Instead, I flipped on the string of white lights on the mantle and grabbed some of my favorite sewing books to browse. My mind was busy planning Christmas presents for friends and family. I make most gifts, so every year around Thanksgiving I start thinking who needs/wants what. I know it might sound stressful, but honestly, it's one of my favorite things about the holidays.

 Forty minutes later, after a bite of almond butter to keep my blood sugar happy till morning, I was sound asleep. The next morning I made my list and I am super excited to share some gift-giving ideas.

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