March 7, 2013

Sunshine and Sewing

 We've been shifting gears around here lately. I haven't been sewing nearly as much with paint colors to choose, built-in shelves to design, a bathroom plan in the works, and a kitchen to finish up. But my all time favorite project to spend time on is planning my garden. Plans for this spring include finishing the tree house, putting together our hand-me-down wooden play set, and planting flowers and vegetables (and plenty of them.) I'm no artist, but I sketched out what I want to plant where.

The front garden beds, which are mostly shady, will have hydrangeas and hostas, with lavendar that was already here and thriving when we moved in. My neighbor gave me hostas last year, which I am hoping will come back, and I planted the limelight hydrangea tree last summer, along with several hydrangea bushes. The tulips are popping up already, and I have plans to add some zinnias and peonies to the mix. I'm still trying to figure out what to plant for fall, but I can fill in empty spaces later. 

In our back yard, which sees lots of sun, I have lilacs, shasta daisies, zinnias, and salvia. I'll add more this summer, including catmint and allium if it thrives here.  And somewhere in the yard I want to plant dahlias. Since it's still early in the year, I should probably focus on inside cleaning before the baby comes. But flowers are so much more fun and pretty. We have two months left until the baby comes, so I need to get nesting.

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